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Discover how we raise funds for Rio.

Why we fundraise

Each year Rio gets funding from PVUSD for the running of the school. The amount of funding depends on the number of students enrolled. (Funding for teachers and staff is separate). We also get funding for some projects from specific grants. For example, our art teacher (two-days) is funded through Prop 28 money. The rest of the funding comes from the RDMPA.


In 2023-2024, Rio received $21,000 from PVUSD, whilst the RDMPA budgeted $131,000 to spend on activities, resources and programs at Rio.


Without the support of the RDMPA many of the things we fund would not be possible.


How we fundraise

Each year the RDMPA runs fundraising campaigns and organizes fundraising events to raise money for the activities and programs we support at Rio.


We understand that families prefer to donate in different ways, so we offer a variety of options for people to support Rio, and encourage them to participate in the campaigns and events that appeal to them.


We prefer to use our awesome team of volunteers to run our fundraising events ourselves, rather than using a fundraising company that will take a huge chunk of the profits. That way all the money we raise from our community comes directly back to Rio!


Fundraising campaigns


Direct Ask - this campaign runs all school year long, beginning in August. We ask families to make a direct contribution to the RDMPA, with all the money raised going directly to Rio. Donations can be made here


Drive For Schools - this campaign is organized by the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, and offers all local schools an opportunity to raise money through the sale of tickets to the Boardwalk's annual drawing. Tickets are normally sold from September - October.


See's Candy - at the Holidays and Easter we send home order forms for See's Candy. For every box of candy sold, Rio takes home a percentage of the sales, at no extra cost to our families.


Restaurant Nights - once a month families are invited to dine out at a local restaurant in support of Rio. The restaurants give a percentage of the sales back to Rio, and you get a night off from cooking!


Fundraising events


Run For Rio - March - This weekend fun run at Seascape County Park is a popular annual event. Younger participants can take a shorter route around the park, with others taking on a 5k in support of Rio.


Spring Auction - April - This event is our biggest fundraiser. The in-person auction is held at Seascape Golf Club after Spring Break, and the online auction runs during the same week.


Bubble Run - May - This on-campus event is a fun end to the year. Students run laps of the track through streams of bubbles.


Suggest a new fundraiser


Do you have a suggestion for a new fundraiser? Contact us via the form below to discuss your ideas with us.


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