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RDMPA budget

Discover how much we raise and what we fund.

2023-2024 Budget

The 2023-2024 RDMPA budget was approved at the August 24 parent alliance meeting, passing unanimously.


We have exciting plans for the year. As well as the regular things we provide, such as classroom supplies and curriculum materials, we are also installing soccer goals on campus and hosting more community events. We are also funding an art teacher to work with all students.


You can view the budget here.


Treasurer's Report 2022-2023

The RDMPA has been hard at work this year and we are excited to share with you a brief summary of our earnings and expenditures for the 2022-2023 academic year.


Through a combination of Direct Ask, general community donations, and corporate matches, we collected almost $15,000 in donations. We also raised just over $52,000 through our Drive for Schools, Bubble Run, See’s Candy, Restaurant Night, Run for Rio, and Spring Auction fundraisers. Lastly, although we didn’t aim to make a profit from our community events, including Harvest Festival, Movie Night, and Spirit Wear sales, we saw a profit of $7,000. We also raised about $1,000 for a field trip fund through our stalls at Open House. Throwing in some miscellaneous rebate programs and bank interest, the RDMPA is reporting we raised $75,500 for this school year--thanks to everyone for their participation, support, and generosity!


Now, where has all this money gone?! With your generosity, the RDMPA has supported teachers and students by providing classroom supplies ($20,000), periodicals ($4,500), new books ($2,500), math curriculum ($9,000), professional development in mathematics education ($5,500), PE materials ($1,000), teacher/staff appreciation ($3,000), bike racks ($1,000), STEAM week ($2,500), and Yard Duty; Intervention staff support ($10,000). Including some other miscellaneous items, such as Golden Hawk awards and a shed to hold RDMPA event supplies, we spent about $69,000 this year.


You’ll notice that we made a bit of a profit, which has actually been the trend over the last several years, so the RDMPA is planning some big purchases for next year! For example, we are exploring the addition of a marquee sign at the entrance to the school and soccer goals on the upper playground, as well as hosting additional community events, such as an Invention Convention, Cultural Day, and Art & Music Showcase. We are also planning to supplement the new playground with additional landscaping and new benches, which is very exciting!


Things are getting done at Rio Del Mar Elementary, and it wouldn’t be possible without your continued support, which we all appreciate!


If you have an idea for how the RDMPA can use funds to improve our campus community, please come to our first RDMPA meeting of Fall 2023 on August 24th, which is when the board will vote to approve the new budget. All are welcome!


Lastly, if you have any questions or want more information about our income and expenses, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Kevin McCandless

Treasurer ’21-‘23



Read our 2022-2023 budget here. If you have any questions please contact Kevin using the contact form below.

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