RDMPA budget
Discover how much we raise and what we fund.
2024-2025 Budget
The 2024-2025 RDMPA budget was approved at the June 4 parent alliance meeting, passing unanimously.
We have exciting plans for the year. As well as the regular things we provide, such as classroom supplies and curriculum materials, we are purchasing quality headphones for all students, installing a new much-needed storage shed to hold curriculum, and planning to add a Cultural Day Celebration to our spring schedule. We are also continuing to fund extra hours for our art teacher so that all students can access art classes.
You can view the 2024-2025 budget here.
Treasurer's Report 2022-2023
The RDMPA has been hard at work this year and we are excited to share with you a brief summary of our earnings and expenditures for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Through a combination of Direct Ask, general community donations, and corporate matches, we collected over $20,000. We also raised almost $60,000 through our Drive for Schools ($13k), See’s Candy ($4.5k), Bubble Run ($4.5k), SC Warriors ($500), Restaurant Nights ($2.5k), Run for Rio ($2k), and Auction ($31k) fundraisers. Throw in some miscellaneous photo rebates and bank interest, and we raised over $80,000 this year! Thanks to everyone for their participation, support, and generosity!
Now, where has all this money gone?! With your funds, the RDMPA has supported teachers, staff, and students by providing classroom supplies ($22k), periodicals ($3.5k), new books ($2.5k), math curriculum ($8k), professional development in mathematics education ($2.5k), PE materials ($1k), teacher/staff appreciation ($3k), STEAM week ($3k), and Yard Duties & Intervention staff ($17.5k).
We also spent down our savings surplus by purchasing soccer goals ($4k) and the entry marquee sign ($8k), while also funding an amazing art teacher ($18k)! Including some other miscellaneous items, such as Golden Hawks, ice cream parties, and graduation ceremonies, and we spent over $105,000 this year.
You’ll notice that we operated at a loss, which was the plan—if you recall from last year’s report, the RDMPA has been accumulating money in its savings account for the last several years, so the board felt it necessary to pump those funds back into the Rio community where it belongs! Moving forward, we plan for at least one more year of higher spending before aiming to break even.
If you have an idea for how the RDMPA can use funds to better support Rio students, teachers, and staff, please attend our RDMPA meetings on June 4th. All are welcome!
If you have any questions or want more information about our income and expenses, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kevin McCandless
Treasurer ’21-‘25
View our 2023-2024 budget here.
View our 2022-2023 budget here.
If you have any questions please contact Kevin using the contact form below.