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Join the Board!

Have you enjoyed the events the RDMPA has put on this year? Do you want to help strengthen our Rio community and raise much needed funds for our school?

Then you should join the RDMPA Board!

Board members are required to attend one meeting a month. Otherwise, the time requirements are actually quite minimal, you'd be surprised!

To find out more please join us at this Thursday's Parent Alliance Meeting, 6:30pm online. You can also contact RDMPA President, Laura Mottram, for more information.

We have four different positions to fill:


  • Act as aide to the President.

  • In the absence of the President, the Vice President assumes the President’s duties. The Vice President may advance to the Presidency in the second year of his/her two year-term.

  • Review all bank statements with the Treasurer for reconciliation.


  • Keep an accurate record of proceedings (minutes) of the monthly Parent Alliance meetings, and shall be prepared to refer to the minutes of any previous meeting.

  • Prepare a summary for the President of all unfinished business.

  • Conduct all necessary correspondence of the organization (tax receipts and thank you notes), and shall be responsible for sending out notices of the organization’s meetings and special events sponsored by the organization.

  • Keep a roster of Active Members based on attendance of monthly meetings.

Volunteer Coordinator (UPDATE: POSITION FILLED)

  • Distribute volunteer forms and collect volunteer information for all Standing Committees.

  • Create a spreadsheet of all volunteers with appropriate sheets by event/committee.

  • Assist in volunteer activism generally and specifically for events/committees, including emails, texts and phone calls to volunteers, providing assistance to committee chairs to pin down volunteers.

Hospitality Coordinator

  • Plan the Staff Appreciation Luncheon in May.

  • Provide Coffee and Bagels for National Teacher Appreciation Week, and other irregular dates throughout the year as decided by the board.

  • Provide food for the beginning of the year and beginning of winter term socials in the quad or blue park.

And we are also looking for a new Spirit Wear Co-ordinator to help choose the winner of the 5th grade logo competition!

Spirit Wear Coordinator (Non Board Position)

  • Maintains spirit wear inventory, handles online orders and occasional sales at school.


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