On behalf of the Rio Del Mar Parent Alliance, I want to thank everyone for their generosity this academic year; together, we raised about $70,000 from Direct Ask donations and fundraisers!!! Drive for Schools was our most successful event ($16k), followed by our Spring Auction ($13k), and the Dance-a-Thon ($10k).
With your support, we were able to purchase supplies for our classrooms ($21k), math curriculum ($11k), and periodicals ($7k) for students. Additionally, we were able to fund an extra Yard Duty position ($4k) to help keep our students safe, and we also reloaded our inventory of Spirit Wear ($8k). We were also able to show some love to our faculty/staff, students, and campus via funds for teacher/staff appreciation, Golden Hawks, and campus beautification ($3k).
Thanks again for your generosity and continued support in helping Rio Del Mar Elementary fulfill its vision of developing responsible students through a rigorous and stimulating curriculum! If you have any questions regarding the RDMPA budget, please don’t hesitate to contact me at riodelmar.pa.treasurer@gmail.com.
Kevin McCandless
Treasurer ’21-‘23